Moreover, the present study found that the preference of reciprocity
was a factor facilitating the level of commitment in waste
separation. Thus, due attention should be accorded to the
enhancement of reciprocity norms when policies for household
waste management are designed and implemented. It is worth
noting that the significance of the three variables of trust, number
of years living in the community and reciprocity in the model was
clear, suggesting that community-based management should be a
principal recommendation to overcome social dilemmas in waste
Our data suggest that an appeal to the feelings of personal
conscience might be beneficial in encouraging environmentally
friendly actions such as waste separation. Thus, interventions
focusing on communication strategies to increase the awareness of
and responsibility for collective benefits are needed to strengthen
the personal norms of the residents.
This study also found that perceived difficulties constitute an
important factor predicting the intention of households in waste
separation. Residents who find waste separation difficult have a
negative propensity to make a commitment to participate in a
waste separation program. Thus, it is essential to launch communications
campaigns that, through the provision of sufficient information,
help relieve the stereotyped perceptions of the
Moreover, the present study found that the preference of reciprocitywas a factor facilitating the level of commitment in wasteseparation. Thus, due attention should be accorded to theenhancement of reciprocity norms when policies for householdwaste management are designed and implemented. It is worthnoting that the significance of the three variables of trust, numberof years living in the community and reciprocity in the model wasclear, suggesting that community-based management should be aprincipal recommendation to overcome social dilemmas in wasteseparation.Our data suggest that an appeal to the feelings of personalconscience might be beneficial in encouraging environmentallyfriendly actions such as waste separation. Thus, interventionsfocusing on communication strategies to increase the awareness ofand responsibility for collective benefits are needed to strengthenthe personal norms of the residents.This study also found that perceived difficulties constitute animportant factor predicting the intention of households in wasteseparation. Residents who find waste separation difficult have anegative propensity to make a commitment to participate in awaste separation program. Thus, it is essential to launch communicationscampaigns that, through the provision of sufficient information,help relieve the stereotyped perceptions of the
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