powdered banana peel waste (10% TS) reported maximum methane content in the range of 53-57%.
Methane production potential (Hmax) increased as a function of %TS in the range of 2.5-7.5% TS, but that
decreased at 10% TS (Fig. 2A). The maximum methane production rate (Rmax) was 6.56 mL hr-1 at 2.5
%TS (Fig. 2B). Rmax decreased when %TS was increased. Results suggested that at low amount of
banana peel in the reactor, mixing is more efficient, and the bacteria readily access, utilize the substrate
and generate the methane. The methane yield (Y) was 451 mL g-1 TVS obtained from TS 10% (Fig.2C).
The trend of methane production was increased with the amount of the peel. Essien et al.(2005) reported
that the banana peel contained carbohydrate over 59.51%, which was the good carbon source and energy
sources for microorganisms [9].