Kathy Collier is a supervisor of a government office in Washington, D.C. Morale in her office has been quite low recently. The workers have gone back to an 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 PM. work schedule after having been on flextime for nearly two years hen the directive came down allowing Kathy to her office on flextime, she spelled out the rules carefully to her people. Each person was to work during the core period from 10:00 A.M. to 2:30 PM.; however, they could work the rest of the eight-hour day at any time between 6:00 A.M. and 6:00 PM. Kathy felt her workers were honest and well motivated, so she did not bother to set up any system of control Everything went along well for a long time. Morale improved, and all the work seemed to get done. In November, however, an auditor from the General Accounting Office investigated and found that Kathy's workers were averaging seven hours a day. Two employees had been working only during the core period for more than two months. When Kathy's department manager reviewed the auditor's report, Kathy was told to return the office to regular working hours. Kathy was upset and disappointed with her people. She had trusted them and felt they had let her down.