In conclusion, the results show that the rhizosphere is a large reservoir of bacteria capable of promoting plant growth. PGPR bacteria are capable of development and functioning at even high concentrations of heavy metals and thus, may decrease the plants toxicity of heavy metals. This effect is particularly needful on indus-trial areas with no vegetation cover, because of high toxicity of ions.This research confirms that PGPR bacteria increase capability of plats to survive and develop the vegetation cover on contaminated areas. The efficiency of specific PGPR may be further enhanced with the optimization and acclimatization according to the prevailing soil conditions.The root length-promoting effect of the selected bacterial strainsis most probably due to their ability to ACC degradation and this effect is observed only for isolates with high ACC deaminase activ-ity. ACC deaminase activity by plant -associated bacteria growth by decreasing the unfavorable effect of ethylene synthesis. Five isolates showed growth on N-deficient mediumdesigned for N-fixing bacteria (Table 3). However, diazotrophiccapacity was evaluated using a qualitative agar plate method, andfuture experiments should be carried out to confirm and quantifythe capacity of each strain. In the presence of bacterial inoculationthe plants growth was higher compared to uninoculated plants.This confirms the properties of isolated bacteria to promote plantsgrowth. This study also indicates the different effects of selectedbacteria on the growth of two different plants. Strains contributingpositively to the growth of monocot plants do not necessarily havethe same effect in dicots plants. There is no universal bacterial inoc-ulation for the mono- and dicots plants. Future research requires study on the effect of combining inoculation of particular lines with each other. Single feature of PGPR might not be expressed in a givenconditions.In this study, differences were noted in the effectiveness of usingthe same inoculation methods for grass and rape. Application ofMethod 1 and 3 of bacteria inoculation seems to be the most favor-able for the PGPR bacteria effectiveness. Method 1 of inoculation,applied during the germination of seeds for 48 h on plates witha bacterial suspension, seems to be the most suitable for fescuegrass. Inoculation of plants during germination with PGRP bacteriais an efficient method for protecting seeds from growth inhibitioncaused by toxic and poor soil properties. Moreover for rape plants,the inoculation with bacteria directly to soil after two weeks ofgrowth stimulates the roots growth most effectively. The bacteriaassociated with plant rhizosphere naturally occurring in contami-nated areas stimulate plant growth due to the biochemical activity and thus improve the soil phytoremediation process. In future are expected that PGPR replace the artificial growth regulators, chem-ical fertilizers, pesticides which have numerous side-effects.