Haase & Schilthuizen (2007) original descriptions on Georissa filiasaulae – “Shell without colour, conical, about 1.2 times higher than wide, whorls convex, stepped; columella only in body whorl, dissolved in upper whorls; protoconch globular, comprising 0.5 whorls, with meshed sculpture, clearly delimited against teleoconch; teleoconch comprising up to 2.375 whorls, smooth; aperture ovate, only slightly higher than wide, lip thin; umbilicus closed by columellar shield. Operculum corneous, yellow, elongate-ellipsoidal, nucleus submarginal, concentric growth lines; long, slightly arched peg arising from white, noncalcareous base. External features: cephalic tentacles very short lobes; epidermis without pigment; eyes black. Mantle cavity: without ctenidium and osphradium.