Being a Scorpio, you are quite shrewd and astute and even intensely revengeful in cases, you are not the right person to cross. You are the symbol of courage and power, and this is certainly accompanied by foresight, intelligence and power, along the freedom that this power provides.
Your vision gives you the power to see farther than your comrades and opponents. And this provides you with the power to strike down those you oppose you, figuratively. Adventure lures and you and finds you wherever you are, and this intrinsically makes you a leader, as you dare to tread where no one else dares to go. You have a great stamina, and as I talked about, you are a deadly adversary.
You expect total loyalty and sincerity from your friends, as you give the same to them and you are not that easily deceived, because of your superior vision. You are brilliant and tactical in your business, but run the risk of appearing, and even being deceitful and surreptitious. You are quite dedicated and sensible, but still in some known or unknown way, you tend to yourself in jeopardy. But still, you will succeed a lot in life, and also make a lot many enemies in the process, but they are innocuous and only cause anxiety. You receive cooperation from your coworkers and subordinates and satisfaction from your family.
Qualities that make you lucky are will power, positive, political, and courageous. Qualities that hinder your success are possessiveness, dominating, jealous, and cold-blooded.
Leonardo DiCaprio, Bill Gates, Prince Charles, Meg Ryan, Julia Roberts; We know them as famous Scorpions.
Scorpio Personality