After the brief but densely packed winter vacation, the third semester
"Densely packed" included taking Shizuku to the airport, where an
unexpected "tearful departure" (starring: Honoka and Shizuku, costarring:
Miyuki and Mizuki) forced them into a corner (this wasn't
something that could be solved with brute force), which served as a
valuable life experience, but Tatsuya firmly believed that all this
would eventually become nothing more than a "wonderful memory".
-- At least, it would be too depressing if he didn't tell himself that.
Supposedly, the new transfer student taking Shizuku's place in Class A
would be arriving today, but Tatsuya felt this matter didn't relate to
him. While this person was going to be Miyuki's new classmate, so it's
not like it's wholly unrelated, but there was enough degrees of
separation that he didn't need to voluntary greet them.
Speaking of classes, starting on the first day of the third semester, the
course schedule would last the entire day. While rumors of the
mysterious transfer student in Class A would leak out the moment first
period ended, Tatsuya didn't proactively seek them out and paid little
attention to the rumors that drifted in one ear and out the other.
Nevertheless, his aloof attitude was decisively among the minority.
During the break time after second period, even he was dragged into
the rumor mill thanks to his overly curious friends.
"I hear it's an incredibly beautiful young lady."
Seeing the highly excited, or perhaps anticipatory look on Erika as she
struck up a conversation finally caused Tatsuya to capitulate.
"She's got a head of luminous blond hair, even the upperclassmen are
going to look."
"Erika didn't go catch a glimpse?"
At any rate, the basis for such a lively conversation was nothing more
than rumors, which was somewhat of a concern for Tatsuya,
prompting his interjection.
"There's a crowd of people there, so there's no way to get in.