Dear Kankanis,
Congratulations on being approved for the above property.
As per discussion, your lease will commence on 1st November, 2014 for a period of 6 months.
From here I will require the Bond to secure the property. This can be transferred into the banking details below:
Account Name: Frank Dowling
BSB: 083 376
Account Number: 66 999 66 39
Amount: $1430.00
Reference/Agents Credit: 9044bond
For the first months rent, you will need to have this again transferred into our account 2 clear days prior to picking up the keys – a receipt will need to be emailed to our office as confirmation as we are unable to hand over keys until payment is made. Please note this will need to be two separate payments & references;
Account Name: Frank Dowling
BSB: 083 376
Account Number: 66 999 66 39
Amount: $1430.00.00
Reference/Agents Credit: 9044rent
The paperwork will be ready in the office today so you can come in early to sign this or you can chose to sign this on the day you pick up the keys.
If you have any questions from here please do not hesitate to contact me at the office.
Arzu Kaynar
Property Manager
1047 Mt Alexander Road, Essendon
P: 9379 4833
F: 9379 8028