1. Can I understand from you that the cameras that customer have concern on is already out of warrantee correct? -- yes
2. Did this issue surfaced when the units are still in warrantee period? -- yes
3. Can you provide some serial numbers of the said issue of those affected cameras for our reference? – these are 5 units from our latest claim (IMS0C10-1) : 10078-AAZUD23, 10081-AAZXUF4, 10068-AAZDH00, 10081-AAZXUC6, 10081-AAZXUG6
4. Please advise which particular model you are having concern with if any? -- IXS0C, IMS0C10-1
5. What is the issue that is on the cameras or item that you had faced? – off line, no IP
6. What is the resolution from service center that resolved your issue? – re-install firmware
7. Is this setup on Endura system? If yes, can I have the system report? – yes, this is set up on Endura system. Will send the system report to you later soon.