This is a descriptive analytical study carried out in2011. Thesample size was calculated tobe88 people, considering a¼5% and the correlation coefficient between ethical climate and organizational commitment was 0.18. Due to modeling and examination of intervening factors, and maximum 5 variables in the final model, the sample size was upgraded to 185 people. To eliminate the effect of clustering, design effect ¼ 1.5 was considered and the final sample size was obtained to be 300 people. The statistical population under study was chosen out of nurses employed at various hospitals in the southeastern region of Iran who were selected randomly ona quota basis Participation was on a voluntary basis, and it was explained to nurses that they did not have to write down their names on the questionnaire and that all the information obtained would remain confidential After obtaining university ethical committee and head nurse approval 300 questionnaires weredistributed to the four hospitals which had agreed to participate and a total of 280 completed questionnaires were received After deleting the missing cases, 275 questionnaires remained and constituted the sample for this study. The 275 questionnaires were personally completed by nurses These questionnaires were first translated to Farsi, they were translated back to English, and consistency of the two English copies was examined. Their content validity was reviewed using the opinions of 10 faculty members specializing in ethics and management. Data obtained from the questionnaires were analyzed by Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software, version 16, using descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation), and inferential statistics (Pearson’s correlation and independent t-test), to achieve the study objectives