1. Results and discussion
1.1. Contemporary ageing: empirical evidence from Hungary
Ageing (statistical point of view, the increase of old people within the
population) has been the most perspective demographic process since the end of
the last century. We can anticipate with high probability that its deep and long
standing effects entangle the whole society. Ageing process has a diffusive
character. Since its emergence, ageing has been spreading spatially, too from
highly developed countries to less developed ones (among them situated in
Hungary). The diffusion of ageing is an uneven process. The timing and
mechanisms of appearing, the development of the process varies countries to
countries. In spite of the heterogenity, the start of ageing process easily provable
with data and in help of analogues of similar countries erected from the past we can
forecast the near future trends. However, it should be noted that it is hard to
prepare for the potential consequences. The continuous falling trend of total
fertility rates in line with the growing life expectancies at birth and other ages play
the fundamental role of the start of ageing process within a closed population.
Whereas, the before mentioned processes might happen in the context of growing
population number in absolute sense, at first sights the problem of ageing does not