New selection options:
• Separate Damper Command for Fan: adds separate binary output to the application to control
the damper and fan.
• Both Pressure/Flow & Low Temp Circulation: combines the existing two sequences to start
the pump either when the valve command exceeds zero or when the outdoor air temperature
drops below the setpoint. This selection includes an additional Dual Pumps option that adds
a second coil pump to operate in a duty/standby configuration.
• Condensate Alarm: input for condensate sensor that stops the cooling when activated, with
additional Shutdown on Alarm command that places the system in shutdown mode when the
condensate alarm is active.
• Shutdown AHU when pump is in Alarm: for applications with Preheat pumps, this option
prevents the unit from starting if there is a fault in the preheat pump during cold weather.
• N2 Compatibility Options: provides mappings for those points that are the same as they were
in the legacy application, for replacing an AHU Series controller, UNT Series controller, or
DX9100 Series controller.
• VSD Outputs: provides another monitoring option for position feedback.
• Mechanical Room Temperature: adds a zone sensor input that monitors the temperature in
the mechanical room.
• Exhaust Filter: adds monitoring of exhaust filter for applications with heat exchangers.
• Low Static Pressure Switch, High Static Pressure Switch, and Fire Dampers: provide
options for additional monitored equipment safeties.