when I was young. My grandparent often told me about the holy mountain. That’s The Khao Khitchakut. They told of how people with only merit will be up a Khao Khitchakut. Later, when I grew up as a teenager. I thought to visit at least once, but never once has gone. Next, when I was studying at the University, I intention to go to a Khao Khitchakut. It’s unbelievable! When soon, My uncle and sister invited to come there without charge at the time of nearby and I agree with both of them. When it comes to I have seen the power of faith to many people. So, these people don’t feel tired of walking at a difficulty and distance of several kilometers. I believe in the power of faith and I come back again of course. Like Mahatma Gandhi said that “ Man can move mountains by faith.”