Told you that i had a gf for 3 years? We are still friends, but... I still have strong feeling to her, as strong as when we were together... Today it was our anniversary date. Bought her her favourite dessert (jelly bears ;3) and her favourite flowers (in fact 4 flowers, because exacly 4 years ago she changed me (always depressed, strange) to the happiest human in the world. Called her and asked if she wants to met me, because im near her house (didnt tell her that im carrying flowers and all stuff), she said 'maybe later'. Get back home. Called her later, she told me she in in her female friends house, asked her can we met when she leave friends house, she was asking why, and asking, and asking, so i send her pic of flowers and jelly bears with note 'ive got something for you =)'. She responded 'but you remember we arebt together anymore? Get over it'... Thats all