and i will love you more tomorrow that i do today. Love id the only thing that makes life worth living. your love . With all my heart i am forevet your true love is boundless and immeasurable abd overcomes all forms of adversity. ln truth, if it is qenuine , it with each assault upon it's existencel really look forward to the day when the both of us will be walking down the red carpet hand in hand in the namy of love , we exchange marriage rings looking into each other eves saving " i do not regret for choosing you in my life, i am in love with you, my heart to you ,l ask that you take my heart and treat it us your own. l have made the right choice in proclaiming my love for you l have no fears and no regrets and l live for the day we are together for the first time.Unte l that moment arrives, l send to you across the miles, my tender love my tender love ,my warm embrace. and my most passionate kiss l love you