Dear Owi,
I agreed to your suggestion to add to ‘ A ‘ location with another camera to form a ‘ L ‘ shape for monitoring and remove ‘ B ‘ location.
Dear Ota san / Jorlan,
With reference to attachment layout of your CCTV proposal layout.
We decided the following:
1. The analog/recycle CCTV installation at serrounding PDI-PV premise to be omitted. Pls refer the section marked on layout plan. The area of this section to be used IP-Camera and the installation/proposal by user.
2. The 2 CCTV marked "B" on layout to be omitted.
3. The location ,marked "A" to add another CCTV. Total two CCTV for "A", one facing to east direction and 2nd facing north direction (L-shape).
For the above, there are total 2 analog/recycle CCTVs for your proposal only. These 2 CCTV to be linking to CBU Guardhouse's CCTV recorder and monitor.
On top of above please provide small industrial fan for cooling down the recorder since the temparature at Guarhouse is very warm.
The above is for your attention and please revert your revise layout urgently.