handling the reverse logistics for defective or unused parts has also in integral part up the service select tracks the a gmail parts in the field and through consolidation repair and recycle orders provides unrivaled visibility on the n2 and returns process in addition to managing day-to-day service logistics select is an important business intelligence system enabling you to analyze performance against targets and giving you an unrivalled insight into your business that will help drive future strategy select delivers full visibility and manageability your service logistics life cycle bringing together engineers warehouses repair centers careers and our control tower into one collaborative agile and flexible ecosystem so lacked the nest generation platform for delivering service logistics globally
converging technologies= lower service costs and shortening product life cycles have all added pressure 20 ready complex supply chains but at dhl we have a new approach for you aftermarket service logistics that will help insure you can't deliver actions and consistency acroos the globe and ate better able to flex up or down to meet demand with increased and and is a build so much introduce you to some lacked the nest-generation IT platform for delivering service logistics