have many things to tell you about me. I am sorry, I am always busy.? But I miss you all the time I knew what you were doing, you where with who. I like to see your picture, I love to talk with you.I hope you will be serious with me and really love me. If possible, I want to be with you there now. I know... it's too early for us.? We should study each other. But I miss you so much I want you to hold me when I am tired. I want you to kiss me on my sad. You’re the last person I want to see before I go to sleep, And the first person I want to see when I wake up in the morning. My life from now on will be good if I have only you. I wanna stick close to you so there’s no need to be far apart. You are my best lover just honest. I'll be the best your girlfriend. We'll be happy together, I promise!