If i say at this moment , no on doesn't know the male singer
male singer : with his guitar , with his romantic voice and looking naive
I belives he probably make everyone fall in love easily!
Yes ! I talk about coach from The voice Th , Stamp apiwat.
He is my favorite singer. Because his eyes narrowing (WEG) , it is one of my reason but I have other reasons. STAMP is my idol in term of effort. Before fame He never fails.
Before he has been being a single singer. He used to be a singer group. The album was released and then disappear but he doesn't disappear because He has been stilling in the music industry . He has been practicing guitar,sing and develop himself. Later he received the opportunity to come back as a singer. I love his attempt to combated the problem again and again.
Many things besides effort. He has so many that I like intimacy,gentleness and loveliness
In addition, faith is what I love.
Stamp has started playing music since he was 10. Even though his mom didn't agree with playing music, he always had the negotiations for example; if he got 1st in his class, he would get a keyboard and this is his beginning. He has played musics continually until he was in university. He had a chance to make a song for stage-play of his faculty until he started famous a little bit and then he had a chance to be a singer. While he had the obstacles, one thing that he did continually is compose the songs. Even though he was just a background in the music circle, he was a famous songwriter. He used to compose a song for the first superstar in Thailand, Bird Thongchai! It was the song that made him famous. This makes me like Stamp so much! It makes me know that If we love something so much, we can do it good enough. Though It has many obstacles but if we believe it, we can pass it beautifully : )