“Paranormal Parasites, aka Parasite. In the modern age where the
existence and might of magic have been publicized, modern magic is
not the only area seeking international cooperation. Ancient Magic
can’t remain stagnant either, so globalization is unavoidable. Heirs of
Ancient Magic have hosted many international conferences centered
in England, aiming to standardize terms and concepts and refine
“I know that Ancient Magic is more progressive on the international
cooperation side. What of it?”
Mikihiko was starting to pick up steam when Tatsuya cut him short,
causing Mikihiko to cough and rally himself.
“Parasite is also one of the acknowledged terms. Monsters, evil spirits,
djinns, demons, of all the various entities in the different countries, we
call the magical beings that infest human beings and turn them into
inhuman creatures as parasites. Even if Ancient Magic has become
globalized, that still doesn’t change the fact that they keep their secrets
to themselves, so it’s not surprising that everyone here with a modern
magic background doesn’t know about it.”
“I can’t believe the monsters and djinns actually exist……”
After listening to Mikihiko’s explanation, Honoka murmured in fear.
Tatsuya dropped a handonto her shoulder.
“In the past, no one believed that magic existed. However, we are
capable of using magic. Even if we were ignorant of their existence,
there’s no reason to be afraid.”
This was not a natural reaction on Tatsuya’s part. He knew these
words coming from him would have a profound reaction on Honoka.
Which is why Tatsuya retracted his hand after Honoka jumped at the
human contact and he was sure that he dispelled that blind sense of
unease. Of course, he was also aware of how Honoka lamented the
lost opportunity, but he pretended to be oblivious.
“So that’s the vampire’s true identity.”
Afterwards, he glanced at Mikihiko. Being overly fearful served no
purpose, but he was also well aware that ignorance could compound
the threat.
Without directly replying to Tatsuya’s question, Mikihiko turned a
determined look at Leo.
“Um, what?”
Leo was overwhelmed by the ardor in those eyes.
“Can I examine your spectral form?”
“Spectral form?”
It appeared that the term spectral form didn’t register, seeing as how
Leo could only parrot back the pronunciation. On some level, this
wasn’t Leo’s fault, since neither “spiritual form” nor “soul vessel”
were terms used in modern magic, and not because Leo was too slow
to pick it up.
“Spectral form refers to the information body that is shaped like the
physical body, except that it links the physical flesh with your spirit.”
Mikihiko used his fingertips to trace a large “spectral form”.
“The key to the spectral form is life, or life force. Monsters that
devour the flesh and blood of man are rumored to prey on the life
force that is taken with the flesh.”
“In other words, while vampires suck blood, what they’re really
looking to do is sucking away the life force?”
Mikihiko nodded with a tight expression at Erika’s words.
“Vampires drink blood and ghouls consume flesh, but since they
weren’t material beings in the first place, they should only be
interested in life force. At least, if what the elders in Ancient Magic
told me is to be believed.”
“Based on that line of reasoning, it shouldn’t be surprising to run into
a vampire who relies on sucking out the life force, huh.” Tatsuya
murmured at Mikihiko’s words.
In response, Mikihiko nodded once more.
“If I can examine Leo’s spectral form, I think I should be able to find
out. ……Honestly speaking, I was never convinced that this vampire
incident was caused by normal human beings. It always seemed like
something more than just serial homicides, and not just because there
was no trace of blood being sucked out. My instincts as an Ancient
Magic user tells me this, except I have no proof. Precisely because it
was only my gut feeling, so I never told everyone about Parasites.
However, now even Leo has been attacked.”
“Go ahead Mikihiko.”
Leo overrode Mikihiko’s self-incriminating words. Mikihiko took a
long second to process the meaning behind this concise phrase.
“……Are you sure?”
“Yeah. Actually, it’s more like I’m requesting you do so. There’s no
way to respond if we don’t understand the cause.” Leo’s underlying
meaning also contained forgiveness. In response to this degree of
trust, Mikihiko’s expression tightened once more as he reached his
hand towards the bag next to his feet.
Wielding bona fide talismans created with black ink on paper,
Mikihiko used traditional mediums that even Tatsuya came across for
the first time to verify Leo’s status, and failed to disguise his shock.
More likely, he never even though of doing so in the first place