After the online video instruction and the system feasibility were tested at NPUST, the system is now
being adopted in a digital game design class with 40 sophomores and three seniors from the Department
of Information and Learning Technology, three juniors from the Department of Fine Arts, two juniors and
one senior from the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, and one senior student from the Department of Drama Creation and Application at the National University of Tainan
(NUTN). The students are divided into 12 groups of four or five members each for brain storming and
collaborative game design. Each week, starting in the ninth week, two groups are required to demonstrate
their designs to the rest of the class. The theoretical part of the instruction is delivered in lectures by the
teacher in the class, while the practical part is introduced only in the first week and then supported by the
online learning materials, which students can repeatedly view via network or by offline DVD videos. In
addition, students can post their questions and comments on a course discussion board.