I decided to wear the Magic Armor during our trip.
It is a pain to move the Magic Armor, which has to be disassembled and re-assembled every time.
If there is a battle going on in the capital it is best to take it along.
I'll just have to turn a blind eye to the magic power I'm expending by just wearing it.
My initial plan was to run with the others on my shoulders, but that proved to be far too uncomfortable for everyone but me. As expected, the vibration seems to be terrible.
Since it is not a distance that cannot be traveled on foot in a single day, we had to come up with some method of transportation.
The method I came up with took the form of a drawn carriage.
With the Magic Armor, I pulled the carriage, which had been modified with earth magic so that it would be more stable.
It certainly would have been simpler to just use horses and the ride would have been more bearable.
Zanoba was retching and vomiting, Roxy also had turned pale in the face.
But we got to the capital in five days.
I do not know how much of my magic power remains.
My body feels just slightly listless, so I can tell that I'm not completely recovered.
I had thought that because I wasn't using it for combat that I would arrive with a surplus, but still...
My magic power is at the level where it would be impossible to even think of fighting against someone like Orsted.
This time we'll go to Pax's aid.
I'm pretty sure that the Death God is our ally, but I do not know what will happen.
I'm prepared.
Part 2[แก้ไข]
The Imperial Capital Latakia had been blockaded.
The capital gate stood firmly shut and soldiers who seemed like they were the rebel army stood upon it's ramparts.
Outside the castle walls stood the people who had been barred from entry, piled up in great number.
They were merchants, mercenaries, and adventurers.
In addition there were camps of the country's soldiers.
It seems that they may have come from a different city, or perhaps been outside the castle on some task when everything went down.
"It would seem they intend to keep out any new obstacles until they are finished."
"So in other words, Pax is still alive."
It's been ten days since the coup.
The Imperial castle has not yet fallen.
I do not know what their difference in arms is, but they have unexpectedly held out.
Well, I'm sure it's thanks to the aid of one of the Seven Major Powers.
It's also possible that Pax is already dead, and they are blocking the gate for some other reason.
"We can bypass the gate through a secret passage along the riverside."
Following Zanoba's instruction we advanced along the river.
For a second I considered squashing the rebels with a frontal attack, but it was a fleeting thought.
It isn't good to just bust into things without knowing the situation.
Also that would just be adding a bunch of unknowns to my list of worries.
I also want to know just why this all took the form of a siege.
We avoided the people outside the castle perimeter.
It would cause an uproar if they noticed Zanoba was the Prince.
The warlord Jade should have recognized Zanoba as an ally of Pax.
So it's better if we aren't discovered.
" .... "
It was pretty quiet at the riverside.
And so I chose to suspend the Magic Armor there.
I couldn't imagine a fight breaking out in that place.
I wonder where the boundaries between war and peace are?
"I think this is it."
Moving along the river we had come to a single building and water mill.
I placed the Magic Armor in there.
Zanoba and Roxy came down from the carriage.
Both of them were ghastly pale and Roxy had to go over and vomit into the river.
This trip hasn't been kind to those two.
"Somewhere in this watermill there should be an underground passage."
Zanoba is speaking cheerfully, but his face is still a deep blue.
Seasickness can be repressed with healing magic, but it won't bring back lost stamina.
Zanoba still has all his power, but his stamina is shot.
"Perhaps we should take a small rest break?"
"No, we may be in a situation where we don't have a moment to lose. Let's enter right away."
We do not know what has happened inside of the imperial palace.
This watermill might be our last chance to rest.
The MK-1 will not fit through this underground passage. I would like to prepare as much as possible.
My magic power will not be able to recover, but I think that Zanoba and Roxy should allow their strength to return.
"Zanoba, calm down. This is the best place to take a break and get our breath back. Besides, you and Roxy look ragged."
"Those who hurry make mistakes, is how the expression goes."
"I've never heard of that expression... but I understand."
Zanoba nodded reluctantly.
We don't want our travel fatigue to blunt us.
"Before that, someone should confirm that there actually is a passage here."
"Oh, certainly."