Thinking outside the box the first step that must to understand how human's thinking . Learning is the capability of modifying information already stored in memory based on new input or experiences. Since memory is contingent upon prior learning, the first step in memory is learning, which occurs when our sensory systems send information to the brain. Human memory are keys to the central idea. The design of a practical and useful “cognitive” memory system is contemplated, a memory system that may also serve as a model for many aspects of human memory.The new memory does not function like a computer memory where specific data . The stored sensory data would neither have key words nor
would it be located in known or specified memory locations. Sensory inputs concerning a single object or subject are stored together as vectors in a single “file folder” or “memory folder.” When the contents of the
folder are retrieved, sights, sounds, tactile feel, smell, etc., they are simply recorded together in the same folder and retrieved together. Many folders in your memory that can't remember of all , so sometime possibly to forget some part but that possibly to recalled later.