1When old Mr Nick Nickleby died at home in Devon in the south-west of  การแปล - 1When old Mr Nick Nickleby died at home in Devon in the south-west of  ไทย วิธีการพูด

1When old Mr Nick Nickleby died at

When old Mr Nick Nickleby died at home in Devon in the south-west of England,he left many debts behind him. Once these were paid, his wife, his son-Nicholas-and his-daughter-Kate-found themselves with little money and no house to live in. There was only one person that they could turn to for help; Ralph Nickleby, the children's uncle. Mrs Nickleby didn't really know him, but-because he was in the London finance business-he was rich and knew many people. Before her husband died, he said that Ralph would help them. So she wrote a letter to say that they were coming, and the very next day they all travelled to London.
Soon after the arrived, Ralph Nickleby came to the little house where they were staying. He wore fine clothes, but had cold eyes and a hard voice. He didn't look very sad about his brother's death.

‘How did he die?’ he asked Mrs Nickleby.
‘The doctors don’t really know what the problem was.
We think that perhaps he died of broken heart,’ replied Mrs Nickleby.
‘I’ve heard of people dying of a broken neck, but a broken heart? Never. A man can’t pay his debts and so he dies of a broken heart! Ha!’ laughed Ralph Nickleby coldly.
‘Some people have no heart to break,’ said Nicholas to himself quietly.
‘How old is this boy?’ asked Ralph Nickleby, looking angrily at Nicholas.
‘Nearly nineteen,’ replied Mrs Nickleby.
‘And how will you pay for your food now, boy?’ Ralph Nickleby asked Nicholas.
‘I shall not cost you or my mother anything at all,’ replied Nicholas.
For a while Nicholas and his uncle looked at each other without speaking. The older man saw in front of him a young man who was kind and honest, and from that moment he hated him.
Then Ralph Nickleby talked with Mrs Nickleby about finding work for poor but beautiful Kate. Turning back to Nicholas,he showed him an advertisement in the newspaper that he had with him.

Mr Wackford Squeers – staying at the Snow Street Inn in North London – needs a teacher for his school in Yorkshire. Call today.

Yorkshire was for away, in the north-east of England, but Nicholas was excited.
‘Perhaps our luck is changing!’ he thought.
‘We must go and see Mr Squeers immediately, before he gives the job to another young man,’ said Ralph Nickleby.
When Nicholas and his uncle arrived at the inn, Squeers was busy with some new students. He was a short man, about fifty years old. He had only one greeny-grey eye in his face, where people usually prefer two, and he looked very strange in his black suit, which was too long him in the arms, and too short for him in the legs.
‘Mr Squeers, this is my nephew, Mr Nicholas Nickleby.
We’re here because of your newspaper advertisement,’ said Ralph Nickleby.
‘He’s too young to be a teacher,’ Squeers said at once, looking at Nicholas.
But after talking quietly with Ralph Nickleby for a while, he turned back to Nicholas with a smile, saying, ‘The job is yours. Our coach leaves at eight o’clock tomorrow morning.
Be here early to help with the new students.’
‘Certainly,’ replied Nicholas. And to his uncle he said, ‘I shall never forget how kind you’ve been.’
The next day, Nicholas said goodbye sadly to his sister and his mother at the inn.
‘How will they survive without me?’ he thought with a heavy heart.
Just before Nicholas got onto the coach, someone pushed a letter into his hand. It was Newman Noggs, Ralph Nickleby’s clerk. Nicholas quickly put it into his pocket.
The journey to Yorkshire was long and hard, and they stooped at different inns on the way. Squeers ate a lot at every meal, but gave very little food to the students who were with him.
‘He worries more about the cost of the meals than he does about those poor, hungry boy,’ thought Nicholas.

In the evening of second day, they arrived in Yorkshire. They was snow everywhere, and in front of them was a long, low building with dark windows. It looked cold and unpleasant. This was the school – Dotheboys Hall.
Inside Mrs Squeers was waiting for them. She looked at Nicholas coldly, then turned to her husband.
‘How is my Squeery?’ she said.
‘Very well my love,’ replied Squeers. ‘How are the cows and the other animals?’
‘Very well.’
‘And the boys?’ asked Squeers.
‘Oh, they’re well, too,’ replied Mrs Squeers quickly in a hare voice.
After that, they talked about parents who paid their debts to the school and parents who couldn’t pay. Then Mrs Squeers put a cold supper on the table for her husband – and for Nicholas, Squeers ate and drank a lot; Nicholas had only a little. Then they all went to bed. Before he went to sleep on his bed on the floor upstairs, Nicholas took Noggs’s letter from his pocket and read it:

My dear young man,
I know the world better than you. The place that you’re going to isn’t like any place that you know. If you ever need somewhere to stay in London, ask for me at the Crown Inn, in Golden Square. They know me there. Don’t think that I’m strangewriting to you like this. I was once a gentleman,but I’ve come down in the world.
Your friend,
Newman Noggs

If Nicholas’s first night at Dotheboys Hall was bad, the next day was worse. He soon saw that Mr and Mrs Squeers loved making the boys there suffer. Squeers beat them hard and often. He read their letters from home himself, telling them that their parents didn’t love them and didn’t want them back. The boys had no real lessons, but did jobs for Squeers in the school and its garden all day.
They were especially cruel to one boy – Smike. He was taller and older than the other boys at the school – perhaps eighteen or nineteen. His clothes were old and too small for him and he looked ill.
At the end of his first day, Nicholas found Smike working in the kitchen. He saw in the boy’s eyes that he was afraid.
‘Don’t be afraid of me,’ said Nicholas kindly.
‘Oh, my poor heart will break, living here,’ Smike cried.
‘No it won’t. There’s always hope.’
‘Not for me,’ replied Smike. ‘I’ve got no family or friends.
It doesn’t matter if I live or die. There’s only suffering for me in this life.’

Life at Dotheboys Hall
After the night that first met and talked in the kitchen, Smike followed Nicholas everywhere. But when Squeers saw this, he beat Smike more than before.
‘They’re harder with me than ever,’ Smike cried one evening to Nicholas in the empty schoolroom.
‘I know,’ Nicholas replied, putting a hand on Smike’s shoulder kindly. ‘You’ll be happier when I’ve gone.’
‘Are you leaving?’ asked Smike, suddenly worried.
‘No.’ said Nicholas. ‘I was just thinking aloud.’
‘But will you go one day?.
‘Yes, one day I must go out into the world.’
‘And can we meet – out in the world?’ asked Smike.
‘Of course,’ said Nicholas. ‘And I’ll help you there and not make your life worse, as I’ve done here.’
Just then, Squeers arrived, and Smike disappeared.
Smike was not Nicholas’s only worry at Dotheboys Hall.
There was also Squeers’s daughter, Fanny. One day – not long after Nicholas arrived – Fanny went into schoolroom to get a pen. Nicholas gave her a friendly smile. ‘What a wonderful smile he has,’ she thought, and at once she decided that she was in love.
Soon after that, Fanny asked Nicholas to tea when Mrs Squeers was out. Fanny’s best friend Tilda, and Tilda’s fiancée, John Browdie, also came. There was bread and butter to eat, and Nicholas ate it very fast. When he saw this, John Browdie started laughing.
‘You won’t get fat if you stay in this school!’ he said.
‘John, don’t speak to Mr Nickleby like that!’ cried Fanny.
‘Oh, Fanny. Shall we leave you and Mr Nickleby alone?’ asked Tilda, laughing.
‘Oh, no. Please don’t go,’ said Nicholas worriedly. He suddenly saw the way that things were going. Then,because he didn’t want to raise Fanny’s hopes of love, and because Browdie was a man of few words, he began to talk with Tilda. This made both Fanny and Browdie very angry.
In the end, Tilda and her fiancé went home, Fanny started crying, and Nicholas went off quickly up to bed. ‘I must stop stop trying to be friendly to everyone!’ he thought. ‘It just gets me into trouble.’
One morning, not long after that, Squeers woke everyone by shouting from the kitchen downstairs, ‘ Are you going to sleep all day, you lazy dogs?’
‘We’re coming down now,’ shouted Nicholas form the big long bedroom upstairs, where he and the boys slept.
‘Smike!’ called Mrs Squeers. ‘Come down here at once!’ There was no reply.
Nicholas couldn’t see Smike at all.
‘He’s not up here!’ he cried.
‘That’s what you say!’ shouted Squeers. ‘I’m coming up to find him.’
‘I think that he’s run away,’ said Nicholas when Squeers came upstairs.
Squeers was very angry. ‘How do you know that?’ he asked. Now Mrs Squeers came upstairs, too.
‘Smike has run away, my dear,’ explained Squeers.
‘That’s no surprise to me!’ said Mrs Squeers, looking at Nicholas with an ugly smile. ‘You helped him!’
‘I did not,’ replied Nicholas hotly.
‘I’ll beat the life out of him when we catch him! Which way do you think he went?’ Squeers asked his wife.
‘Who knows? You take one coach and go towards York.
‘I’ll borrow another coach and go the other way,’ replied Mrs Squeers.
For the rest of the day, Nicholas waited at the school with the other boys and worried.
In the evening, Squeers came back, but Smike wasn’t with him.
‘Someone will pay for this!’ said Squeers angrily. ‘I’m telling you, Nicholas.’
‘It’s nothing to do with me, sir,’ said Nicholas, and he went to bed.
It was clear that Squeers wanted Smike back at the school just because the boy did lots of work there for nothing.
Early next morning, Nicholas heard a coach arriving at the front gate, and Mrs Squeers calling for her husband. Afraid of the worst, Nicholas looked through the window and saw Smike in the coach. His tired face was covered with mud and rain and he looked nearly dead. Mr Squeers came from the house and took him inside. He put him in the cellar
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ผลลัพธ์ (ไทย) 1: [สำเนา]
1เมื่อเก่านายนิค Nickleby เสียชีวิตที่บ้านในเดวอนตะวันตกเฉียงใต้ของอังกฤษ เขาทิ้งหนี้สินหลายหลังเขา เมื่อเหล่านี้ชำระเงิน ภรรยา และของเขาสนนิโคลัสพระลูกสาวเคทพบกับเงินเพียงเล็กน้อยและไม่มีบ้านอยู่ในตัวเอง มีผู้เดียวที่พวกเขาสามารถเปิดวิธีใช้ Ralph Nickleby ลุงของเด็ก นาง Nickleby จริง ๆ ไม่ทราบเขา แต่ -เขา เพราะในทางลอนดอน ธุรกิจเขาไม่รวย และรู้หลายคน ก่อนสามีตาย เขากล่าวว่า Ralph จะช่วยให้พวกเขา ดังนั้น เธอเขียนตัวอักษรเพื่อบอกว่า พวกเขามา และในวันถัดไปมากพวกเขาทั้งหมดเดินทางไปลอนดอนหลังจากที่มาถึง Ralph Nickleby มาถึงบ้านเล็ก ๆ ที่มีอยู่ เขาสวมเสื้อผ้าที่ดี แต่เย็นตาและเสียงหนัก เขาไม่ได้ดูเศร้ามากเกี่ยวกับการตายของพี่ชายของเขา'วิธีทำเขาตาย "เขาถามนาง Nickleby"แพทย์ไม่ทราบสิ่งที่เป็นปัญหาจริง ๆเราคิดว่า บางทีเขาตายด้วยความอกหัก ตอบนาง Nickleby"ผมเคยได้ยินคนตายคอขาด แต่อกหัก ไม่เคย คนไม่สามารถชำระหนี้ของเขา และให้ เขาตายของอกหัก ฮา!' หัวเราะ Ralph Nickleby coldly'บางคนมีหัวใจไม่แบ่ง กล่าวว่า นิโคลัสเองอย่างเงียบ ๆ'อายุคือเด็กชายคนนี้ "ถาม Ralph Nickleby มอง angrily ที่นิโคลัส'เกือบ nineteen ตอบนาง Nickleby'และวิธีจะคุณจ่ายค่าอาหารตอนนี้ เด็กชายหรือ' Ralph Nickleby ถามนิโคลัส'ฉันจะไม่ค่าใช้จ่ายคุณหรือแม่อะไรเลย ตอบนิโคลัสในขณะนิโคลัสและลุงของเขามองกันไม่พูดกัน คนรุ่นเก่าที่เห็นหน้าเขาชายหนุ่มที่ดี และซื่อสัตย์ และจากช่วงเวลาที่ เขาเกลียดชังท่านแล้ว Ralph Nickleby คุยกับนาง Nickleby หางานยากแต่เคทสวยงาม หันหลังกลับไปนิโคลัส เขาพบเขาลงโฆษณาในหนังสือพิมพ์ที่เขามีกับเขา นาย Wackford Squeers-สำรองห้องพักที่อินน์ถนนหิมะในลอนดอนเหนือ – ต้องเป็นครูในโรงเรียนของเขาในยอร์คเชียร์ โทรหาวันนี้ยอร์คเชียร์ถูกสำหรับ ออกเฉียงเหนือของอังกฤษ แต่นิโคลัสได้ตื่นเต้น'โชคของเราอาจมีการเปลี่ยนแปลง ' ที่เขาคิด"เราต้องไป และเห็นนาย Squeers ทันที ก่อนที่เขาจะไปกับหนุ่มอื่น กล่าวว่า Ralph Nicklebyเมื่อนิโคลัสและลุงของเขามาถึงที่อินน์ Squeers ไม่ว่าง มีนักเรียนบางคนใหม่ เขาเป็นผู้ชายคนหนึ่งโดยย่อ อายุประมาณ 50 ปี เขามีเพียงตา greeny สีเทาในใบหน้าของเขา ซึ่งคนปกติต้องสอง และเขาดูแปลก ๆ ในชุดสีดำของเขา ซึ่งเกินไปลองเขา ในแผ่น ดิน และสั้นเกินไปสำหรับเขาในขา' นาย Squeers ซึ่งเป็นหลานชายของฉัน Nickleby นายนิโคลัสเราอยู่ที่นี่ เพราะลงโฆษณาหนังสือพิมพ์ Ralph Nickleby กล่าวว่า'เขายังเด็กเกินไปที่จะ เป็นครู Squeers กล่าวว่า ครั้ง นิโคลัสแต่หลังจากการพูดคุยเงียบ ๆ กับ Ralph Nickleby หนึ่ง เขาก็หันกลับไปนิโคลัสดี ว่า, ' เป็นงานของคุณ โค้ชของเราออกจากที่แปดโมงเช้าวันพรุ่งนี้Be here early to help with the new students.’‘Certainly,’ replied Nicholas. And to his uncle he said, ‘I shall never forget how kind you’ve been.’The next day, Nicholas said goodbye sadly to his sister and his mother at the inn.‘How will they survive without me?’ he thought with a heavy heart.Just before Nicholas got onto the coach, someone pushed a letter into his hand. It was Newman Noggs, Ralph Nickleby’s clerk. Nicholas quickly put it into his pocket.The journey to Yorkshire was long and hard, and they stooped at different inns on the way. Squeers ate a lot at every meal, but gave very little food to the students who were with him.‘He worries more about the cost of the meals than he does about those poor, hungry boy,’ thought Nicholas.In the evening of second day, they arrived in Yorkshire. They was snow everywhere, and in front of them was a long, low building with dark windows. It looked cold and unpleasant. This was the school – Dotheboys Hall.Inside Mrs Squeers was waiting for them. She looked at Nicholas coldly, then turned to her husband.‘How is my Squeery?’ she said.‘Very well my love,’ replied Squeers. ‘How are the cows and the other animals?’‘Very well.’‘And the boys?’ asked Squeers.‘Oh, they’re well, too,’ replied Mrs Squeers quickly in a hare voice.After that, they talked about parents who paid their debts to the school and parents who couldn’t pay. Then Mrs Squeers put a cold supper on the table for her husband – and for Nicholas, Squeers ate and drank a lot; Nicholas had only a little. Then they all went to bed. Before he went to sleep on his bed on the floor upstairs, Nicholas took Noggs’s letter from his pocket and read it: My dear young man, I know the world better than you. The place that you’re going to isn’t like any place that you know. If you ever need somewhere to stay in London, ask for me at the Crown Inn, in Golden Square. They know me there. Don’t think that I’m strangewriting to you like this. I was once a gentleman,but I’ve come down in the world.Your friend,Newman NoggsIf Nicholas’s first night at Dotheboys Hall was bad, the next day was worse. He soon saw that Mr and Mrs Squeers loved making the boys there suffer. Squeers beat them hard and often. He read their letters from home himself, telling them that their parents didn’t love them and didn’t want them back. The boys had no real lessons, but did jobs for Squeers in the school and its garden all day.They were especially cruel to one boy – Smike. He was taller and older than the other boys at the school – perhaps eighteen or nineteen. His clothes were old and too small for him and he looked ill.At the end of his first day, Nicholas found Smike working in the kitchen. He saw in the boy’s eyes that he was afraid.‘Don’t be afraid of me,’ said Nicholas kindly.‘Oh, my poor heart will break, living here,’ Smike cried.‘No it won’t. There’s always hope.’‘Not for me,’ replied Smike. ‘I’ve got no family or friends.It doesn’t matter if I live or die. There’s only suffering for me in this life.’2Life at Dotheboys HallAfter the night that first met and talked in the kitchen, Smike followed Nicholas everywhere. But when Squeers saw this, he beat Smike more than before.‘They’re harder with me than ever,’ Smike cried one evening to Nicholas in the empty schoolroom.‘I know,’ Nicholas replied, putting a hand on Smike’s shoulder kindly. ‘You’ll be happier when I’ve gone.’‘Are you leaving?’ asked Smike, suddenly worried.‘No.’ said Nicholas. ‘I was just thinking aloud.’‘But will you go one day?.‘Yes, one day I must go out into the world.’‘And can we meet – out in the world?’ asked Smike.‘Of course,’ said Nicholas. ‘And I’ll help you there and not make your life worse, as I’ve done here.’Just then, Squeers arrived, and Smike disappeared.Smike was not Nicholas’s only worry at Dotheboys Hall.There was also Squeers’s daughter, Fanny. One day – not long after Nicholas arrived – Fanny went into schoolroom to get a pen. Nicholas gave her a friendly smile. ‘What a wonderful smile he has,’ she thought, and at once she decided that she was in love.Soon after that, Fanny asked Nicholas to tea when Mrs Squeers was out. Fanny’s best friend Tilda, and Tilda’s fiancée, John Browdie, also came. There was bread and butter to eat, and Nicholas ate it very fast. When he saw this, John Browdie started laughing.‘You won’t get fat if you stay in this school!’ he said.‘John, don’t speak to Mr Nickleby like that!’ cried Fanny.‘Oh, Fanny. Shall we leave you and Mr Nickleby alone?’ asked Tilda, laughing.‘Oh, no. Please don’t go,’ said Nicholas worriedly. He suddenly saw the way that things were going. Then,because he didn’t want to raise Fanny’s hopes of love, and because Browdie was a man of few words, he began to talk with Tilda. This made both Fanny and Browdie very angry.In the end, Tilda and her fiancé went home, Fanny started crying, and Nicholas went off quickly up to bed. ‘I must stop stop trying to be friendly to everyone!’ he thought. ‘It just gets me into trouble.’One morning, not long after that, Squeers woke everyone by shouting from the kitchen downstairs, ‘ Are you going to sleep all day, you lazy dogs?’‘We’re coming down now,’ shouted Nicholas form the big long bedroom upstairs, where he and the boys slept.‘Smike!’ called Mrs Squeers. ‘Come down here at once!’ There was no reply.Nicholas couldn’t see Smike at all.‘He’s not up here!’ he cried.‘That’s what you say!’ shouted Squeers. ‘I’m coming up to find him.’‘I think that he’s run away,’ said Nicholas when Squeers came upstairs.
Squeers was very angry. ‘How do you know that?’ he asked. Now Mrs Squeers came upstairs, too.
‘Smike has run away, my dear,’ explained Squeers.
‘That’s no surprise to me!’ said Mrs Squeers, looking at Nicholas with an ugly smile. ‘You helped him!’
‘I did not,’ replied Nicholas hotly.
‘I’ll beat the life out of him when we catch him! Which way do you think he went?’ Squeers asked his wife.
‘Who knows? You take one coach and go towards York.
‘I’ll borrow another coach and go the other way,’ replied Mrs Squeers.
For the rest of the day, Nicholas waited at the school with the other boys and worried.
In the evening, Squeers came back, but Smike wasn’t with him.
‘Someone will pay for this!’ said Squeers angrily. ‘I’m telling you, Nicholas.’
‘It’s nothing to do with me, sir,’ said Nicholas, and he went to bed.
It was clear that Squeers wanted Smike back at the school just because the boy did lots of work there for nothing.
Early next morning, Nicholas heard a coach arriving at the front gate, and Mrs Squeers calling for her husband. Afraid of the worst, Nicholas looked through the window and saw Smike in the coach. His tired face was covered with mud and rain and he looked nearly dead. Mr Squeers came from the house and took him inside. He put him in the cellar
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (ไทย) 3:[สำเนา]
เมื่อเก่านายนิค nickleby เสียชีวิตที่บ้านใน Devon ในทางตะวันตกเฉียงใต้ของประเทศอังกฤษ เขาทิ้งหนี้สินมากมายที่อยู่เบื้องหลังเขา เมื่อเหล่านี้เงิน , ภรรยา , ลูกชายและลูกสาวของเขา นิโคลัส เคทพบตัวเองกับเงินเล็ก ๆน้อย ๆและไม่มีบ้านอยู่ มีเพียงคนเดียวที่สามารถเปิดเพื่อขอความช่วยเหลือ ; ราล์ฟ nickleby , เด็กลุง นาง nickleby ก็ไม่รู้จักเขาแต่เพราะเขาอยู่ในลอนดอนธุรกิจการเงินเขารวยและรู้จักคนมากมาย ก่อนที่สามีของเธอจะตาย เขาบอกว่าราฟจะช่วยพวกเขา ดังนั้นเธอจึงเขียนจดหมายไปบอกว่าพวกเขาจะมาและในวันถัดไปมาก พวกเขาเดินทางไปลอนดอน
ในไม่ช้าหลังจากมาถึง ราล์ฟ nickleby มาที่บ้านเล็ก ๆน้อย ๆที่พวกเขาอยู่ เขาสวมเสื้อผ้าเรียบร้อย แต่ตาเย็นและเสียงหนักเขาไม่ได้ดูเศร้ากับการตายของพี่ชาย

' เค้าตายเหรอ ? " เขาถามนาง nickleby .
หมอดิ ไม่รู้ว่าเป็นปัญหาคือ เราคิดว่าบางทีเขาอาจจะตายไป
อกหัก ' คุณนาย nickleby .
" ได้ยินคนใกล้จะตาย คอหัก แต่หัวใจที่แตกสลาย ? ไม่เคย ผู้ชายไม่สามารถจ่ายหนี้แล้วเค้าตายอกหัก ! ฮ่าๆๆๆ ราล์ฟ nickleby
' หัวเราะอย่างเย็นชา' คนไม่มีหัวใจแตก ' นิโคลัสกับตัวเองเงียบๆ
' เก่าเป็นเด็กผู้ชาย ? ' ถามราล์ฟ nickleby มองด้วยความโกรธที่นิโคลัส .
'nearly สิบเก้า ' คุณนาย nickleby .
และวิธีการที่คุณจะจ่ายสำหรับอาหารของคุณแล้ว ? ' ราฟ nickleby ถามนิโคลัส .
" จะไม่เสียค่าใช้จ่าย หรือแม่เลย
' นิโคลัสสักพัก นิโคลัส และลุงของเขามองที่แต่ละอื่น ๆได้โดยไม่ต้องพูด คนที่แก่กว่าที่เห็นอยู่ตรงหน้าเขา ชายหนุ่มที่เป็นคนดีและซื่อสัตย์ และจากช่วงเวลาที่เขาเกลียดเขา .
แล้วราฟ nickleby คุยกับคุณนาย nickleby เกี่ยวกับการหางานที่ไม่ดี แต่สวย เคท หันหลังกลับไป นิโคลัส เขาพบว่าเขามีโฆษณาในหนังสือพิมพ์ ที่เขานำมาด้วย

นาย wackford squeers ) อยู่ที่ถนนหิมะ อินน์ในลอนดอนเหนือ และความต้องการครูที่โรงเรียนของเขาในยอร์คเชอร์ . วันนี้โทร .

ยอร์คเชียร์ เพื่อไป ภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือของประเทศอังกฤษ แต่นิโคลัสตื่นเต้น .
'perhaps โชคของเราเปลี่ยน ! ' เขาคิด เราต้องไปดู
นาย squeers ทันที ก่อนที่เขาจะให้งานกับหนุ่มอื่น ' ราล์ฟ nickleby .
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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