The texture of the crust was related to the external
appearance of the biscuit top which implies smoothness
or roughness of the crust. With the increase in substitution
of soy fl our to the biscuits, the texture of crust was
decreased from 7.8 to 6.9. The control (To) had the
highest mean value and 20% soy fl our (T3) added biscuit
had the least mean value. In the case of fl avor of the
biscuit, it was decreased from 7.9 to 7.2 with an increase
in the substitution of soy fl our. This could be due to
the beany fl avour of soy fl our (Akubor and Ukwuru 2005 ).
Overall acceptability includes many implications, which
is an important parameter in organo- leptic estimation.
Treatment T1 that is 10% soy flour- added biscuits had
the highest mean value (8.4) and T3 that is 20% soy
flour- added biscuits had the least mean value (7.3) for
the overall acceptability. The overall acceptability for T2
(15%) has a mean score of 8.2 very close to T1 (10%).
At the 10% (T1) and 15% (T2) level of soy flour incorporation,
the biscuits had higher scores for all the sensory