otating and aligning the floors: As you can see, when first starting the fight, the floors are random and the alignment pieces (the missing black gap on each floor piece) are not aligned. During the fight, a wall will glow it's respective color. As stated above, you must align the alignment pieces towards that wall. So how do you rotate the floor?
Outer Ring: The outer ring can be rotated by destroying a Time Device on the outer edges of the map. There are three located inbetween each wall. Killing one will rotate the outer floor once in a clockwise motion. (Devil > Goddess > Sun). You may need to kill another to allign correctly.
Warning: In Hard Mode, killing all 3 Time Devices places a buff on Yana which inflicts party members with a deadly DoT and insta kill. You must Plague/Regress Yana and then cleanse the party.
Center Ring: Yana will shout "Open your mind to all of time and space!" and proceed with a ring shape explosion on the center ring. When a player stands inside this attack, they must take damage and survive, then the middle ring will rotate anti-clock wise (Sun > Goddess > Devil). This attack will deal 140,000 damage (280,000 in Hard Mode). In order for players to survive, players must share the damage by standing in the damage zone together. With 2 members, the damage will be split by half. With 3, it will be split 3-ways (etc). Mystic's Thralls, Gunner's ST and Warrior Shadows will count as a body. Skills such as a Sorcerer's Mana Barrier, Warp Barrier, Priest's Kaia's Shield and Warding Scrolls can reduce damage. (Since a Sorcerer's Warp Barrier negates all damage, a Sorcerer can take rotate the ring alone, similary a Gunner can use Recall to avoid damage).
Inner Ring: You'll notice another bar when fighting Yana. This bar can fill up to 100. When the bar is full, you will be able to interact with Yana (by pressing "F"). This will rotate the inner ring. This bar does not naturally regen, and only fills up when you attack the boss. It is recommended that melee and/or tanks handle the Inner Ring.