The following paragraphs describe the way Jason accomplished these objectives using computer audit software.
Note that each of the general audit software functions delineated in Table 15.7 is utilized one or more times in the course of this application.
A systems flowchart showing the sequence of computer operations designed by Jason to achieve the first six objectives appears in Fig. 15.7. input to RUN 1 consisted all four of the source files.
This run sorted each of these files into sequence by account number and the merged the four files into a combined master and transaction file.
As the transaction records were merged with the master files,two transac tion detail records for which there was not a master record having the same account number were identified.
Details relating to these trans tion records were listed on the unmatched transaction report.
After a follow-up investigation Jason concluded that keying errors had caused invalid account numbers to be entered into these transaction records Corrections were promptly recorded in NBS's records and in Jason merged file.
RuN2 created an audit work file by extracting from the combined master and transection file only those data that were needed to perform.