Violation of article 496 of the Belgian Penal Code, for having made oneself deliver or hand in moneys, moveable properties, obligations, discharges or acquittances, either by adopting false names or false qualities, either by applying artifice so as to make believe in the existence of false enterprises, an imaginary power or authority, or an imaginary credit to inspire hopes or fear of an accident or any other chimerical event, or to take undue advantage of someone's confidence or to play in any other way someone's credulity with the aim of appropriating an object belonging to someone else.
All this by having swindled people on a large scale by means of a very well organised system, a so-called "boiler room", in which the suspected persons had made deliver themselves vast amounts of money by the victims, all this under the false pretences that these funds were to be invested in "China Mobile" and "Sierra Explorations" shares. In order to do so, the victims were contacted by telephone by so-called traders providing apparent highly reliable information in a very convincing and pushing way.