The rice was milled to pass through a 0.5 mm sieve. Taking the
initial moisture of rice flour into account, the moisture and amylase
content of rice flour were adjusted to the desired level (Table 1). The
amylase was added to the water for adjusting flour moisture content. All samples were blended for 10 min to equally distribute the
moisture and amylase. The hydrated flour was stored at 4?C
overnight in sealed plastic bags for equilibration prior to extrusion.
Enzymatic extrusion was carried out using a laboratory scale twin-screwextruder (TSE 24 MC, Thermo scientific, USA) with a length to diameter ratio of 40:1. The barrel contained four zones. During the
experiment, the temperatures of barrel zone Ⅰ (60?C), zone Ⅱ(70?C), and zone Ⅲ (80?C) werekeptconstant and the temperature of zone Ⅳ was adjusted by experimental requirements. Screw
speed of the extruder was keptat 100 rpm constantly. Feed rate was
stayed at 1.5 kg/h.
The rice was milled to pass through a 0.5 mm sieve. Taking the
initial moisture of rice flour into account, the moisture and amylase
content of rice flour were adjusted to the desired level (Table 1). The
amylase was added to the water for adjusting flour moisture content. All samples were blended for 10 min to equally distribute the
moisture and amylase. The hydrated flour was stored at 4?C
overnight in sealed plastic bags for equilibration prior to extrusion.
Enzymatic extrusion was carried out using a laboratory scale twin-screwextruder (TSE 24 MC, Thermo scientific, USA) with a length to diameter ratio of 40:1. The barrel contained four zones. During the
experiment, the temperatures of barrel zone Ⅰ (60?C), zone Ⅱ(70?C), and zone Ⅲ (80?C) werekeptconstant and the temperature of zone Ⅳ was adjusted by experimental requirements. Screw
speed of the extruder was keptat 100 rpm constantly. Feed rate was
stayed at 1.5 kg/h.
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