How do you find work now? From "word of mouth" like independent contractor or do you work for an agency?
Yes, I think people in other countries value relaxing more than in the US. I am in the wrong country ahaha. Can I visit you in Thailand??
I live in Wisconsin in the US and it's booooooooring here (for me, for a person new to the country it could be fun). I'm from NYC though, and my friends and family still live there. That city is more fun, more exciting, a lot of energy. If you want to visit USA, you should go to NYC. And look, now you know people there :P
I don't know any words in Thai...YET. I want to learn.
From google translate: อรุณสวัสดิ์. มีวันที่ดี.
This is fun.
Okay talk to you soon.