Half an hour later they were still looking. Kate kept glancing over her shoulder.
She had the uncomfortable feeling that someone was following them but she could not see
"I don't like wandering round the dark streets at this hour," she said. "Someone's
bound to notice us!" she went on. "I don't like doing it, either, but what else can we do?
We can't stop looking now. It might be our last chance," Coke answered.
Suddenly something in the window of a shop across the road caught his eye. The
street was very dark but the thing gleamed. It reflected the light of a passing car. They
crossed the street. The thing was an old military sabre and it was in a window marked
"Antique Weapons and Military Antiques." There were old pistols, helmets and other
swords in the window. Coke became excited. 'This must be it!" he said. Kate lit a match
so that they could see a bit better. There was no name on the window but there was a
phone number on the door. Coke copied it down.