„Later does not dare to come to this damned place, who knows that this lake center in island, can hide Heavenly Weaves Demon Beast unexpectedly!”
„Yes, that only Heavenly Weaves Demon Beast at least is 8th Heavenly Layer Realm!”
„We leave, I noticed that only Heavenly Weaves Demon Beast threw toward that boy, the boy died absolutely, it is estimated that by Heavenly Weaves Demon Beast eating!”
„Was lucky that we run quickly, if otherwise in the bitter experience, or Heavenly Weaves Demon Beast kills that boy then to chase down us, we must plant here!”
These six 6th Heavenly Layer powerhouses have rejoicing of being survivor of disaster.
„Has that only Heavenly Weaves Demon Beast, avoid actually we began, Ha Ha. Otherwise that boy also copes!”
They recall that in Ye Xinghe also has Xia Yuning that the halberd the moon, but also is really a good thing, but lent their ten courage they not to dare to go back.
„Was good, we go back to report on accomplishments!”
These six Men in Black jumped to graze to go, disappear in the jungle.
After that only Heavenly Weaves Demon Beast strikes pats next, Frost Dragon Halberd in Ye Xinghe hand again is hit to fly, the body has also suffered a terrifying claw, the whole body dripping with blood, looks like a blood person, perhaps revolution power of stars crazily treated wound, Ye Xinghe already dropped down.
Ye Xinghe felt one must arrive at the oil completely lamp dry region immediately, this Heavenly Weaves Demon Beast too was only formidable.
Although has given Heavenly Weaves Demon Beast two attacks maliciously one after another, but the wound has not arrived at Heavenly Weaves Demon Beast truly, at least has not affected the Heavenly Weaves Demon Beast true strength.
When Heavenly Weaves Demon Beast must launch the third attack immediately, suddenly, a terrifying strength swept away to come, to see only Heavenly Weaves Demon Beast entire to fly upside down, layer on layer hit on the big tree of distant place, then has sobbed, the lodging in the ground, does not dare to move.
Saw this, Ye Xinghe shocks.
Is this, how possible?
8th Heavenly Layer Heavenly Weaves Demon Beast, did not have the indication to be struck to fly, Ye Xinghe does not even understand where this strength came.
Actually can the strong strength, be able to strike to fly easily 8th Heavenly Layer Heavenly Weaves Demon Beast?