Beginning research suggests that red pepper powder (containing capsicum) in capsules taken 3 times daily before meals reduces symptoms of heartburn. But in some people, symptoms get worse before they get better.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Early evidence suggests that capsicum fruit taken by mouth doesn’t help symptoms of IBS.
Hay fever. There is conflicting evidence so far about the effectiveness of capsicum for reducing hay fever symptoms.
Polyps in the nose. Putting capsicum in the nose seems to improve symptoms and airflow.
Swallowing difficulties. Some people, especially elderly people or those who have suffered a stroke, are more likely than other people to develop “aspirationpneumonia.” This is a kind of pneumonia that develops after food or saliva is sucked into the airways because the person couldn’t swallow properly. There is some evidence that dissolving a capsaicin-containing lozenge in the mouth of elderly people with swallowing problems before each meal can improve their ability to swallow.
Colic. Cramps. Toothache. Blood clots. Fever. Nausea. High cholesterol.
Heart disease. Migraine headache. Muscle spasms. Laryngitis.