Images in Fotolia's database are intended for usage in a variety of situations - brochures, magazines, websites, and presentations. Your work is valuable, but does not meet the needs of Fotolia's customers.
Here is a list of possible issues:
Subject Matter
The subject does not correspond to customers’ needs (e.g., family vacation or family snapshots). Our customers work in the design industry and usually require creative images. Typically, images of common subjects must be of exceptional quality to be validated.
Insufficient Commercial Application
The subject is too specific, or the composition was not at a level that would interest a significant number of buyers. The most popular files have wide appeal and are adaptable for usage in a variety of commercial applications.
Images must be neutral (ie, no frame, no text) in order to meet customer needs. You should also limit the use of artistic effects. Similarly, please keep in mind our customers are looking for commercial images - thus, purely artistic images are not accepted.
Moral Standards
According to Fotolia's policies we do not accept illegal, pornographic, or immoral images. We don’t mean to restrain your creativity, but we have decided to respect some basic fundamental ethical standards.
If you selected the free option during the upload process, Fotolia will be informing you if your photo has been integrated to into this section.
Please feel free to submit other photographs in the future for review.