6.1a(2) C4
V designs service offerings and work processes to
meet all key requirements using IDEALS. First, requirements
and expectations are identified using the various listening and
learning mechanisms described in categories 1, 2, 3, and 5.
Particular emphasis is placed on ensuring that regulatory requirements
are met and balancing alignment with higher-headquarters
plans and initiatives with the agility needed to address individual
Veteran needs. The SLT constantly reminds the workforce that a
“unique Veteran” is not simply a number used to count delivery
of services and receive funding allocations, but that each Veteran
coming to C4
V for care is a unique individual with unique needs.
Especially because C4
V operates within a large bureaucracy,
process design includes consideration that C4
V Veterans are
people—not numbers. Associating MoS with each plan helps create
accountability for identifying requirements and expectations,
and tracking performance.