ิbecause Heineken Ignite uses micro sensors and wireless networking technology to sense motion and lights up in response. The bottle can also respond to music and the output of specific audio and data cues. For example, it can detect different kinds of motion like cheering, drinking or sitting idle on the bar counter. The bottle lights can be remotely activated, so that all bottles can be programed to synchronize to a music beat.
Heineken Ignite is first smart beer bottle that can interact with other, its environment and the people around it, bringing together: interaction, data and networking thinking. It enriches social experiences using the bottle and technology in a surprising way and making high tech feel fun, organic and seamless. uses micro sensors and wireless networking technology to sense the moment when a bottle is being used to say “Cheers”. The bottle can also actively respond to the music and the output of specific audio and data cues. For example, it can detect various motion types such as cheering, drinking and sitting idle on the bar top. The motions trigger certain light effects lighting up the complete bottle, enhanced by the swirls of beer, carbon dioxide and oxygen. Next to that the bottle lights can be remotely activated, so that each bottle becomes an active light source controlled by specially developed VJ software, allowing to synchronize all bottles to the music beat.