The most severe conditions tested in this work were used in conjunction with nisin added as a natural anti-microbial. Conditions of 40 kV cm1 and 65 C were tested for skim and whole milk using two nisin concentrations. The lowest concentration, 10 IU of
nisin mL1, showed significant inactivation in skim milk; almost 3
log reductions were achieved with a few pulses (Fig. 4). Despite
using the same bacteriocin concentration in whole milk and the
same processing conditions, inactivationwas limited to only 1.5 log.
However, when high concentrations of nisin (50 IU mL1) were
tested at 40 kV cm1, 65 C and 144 pulses, inactivationwas similar
(p ¼ 0.05) regardless of the kind of milk at the beginning of treatment,
but more favorable at the end for skim milk, with a reduction
of spores of almost 3.5 log. Temperature was kept constant during
treatment and below 65 C (Fig. 4b).
The most severe conditions tested in this work were used in conjunction with nisin added as a natural anti-microbial. Conditions of 40 kV cm1 and 65 C were tested for skim and whole milk using two nisin concentrations. The lowest concentration, 10 IU of
nisin mL1, showed significant inactivation in skim milk; almost 3
log reductions were achieved with a few pulses (Fig. 4). Despite
using the same bacteriocin concentration in whole milk and the
same processing conditions, inactivationwas limited to only 1.5 log.
However, when high concentrations of nisin (50 IU mL1) were
tested at 40 kV cm1, 65 C and 144 pulses, inactivationwas similar
(p ¼ 0.05) regardless of the kind of milk at the beginning of treatment,
but more favorable at the end for skim milk, with a reduction
of spores of almost 3.5 log. Temperature was kept constant during
treatment and below 65 C (Fig. 4b).
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