Multi-dimensional pain tools enable assessment
of other core features of pain, such as affective,
cognitive, social and spiritual dimensions (Table 1).
Pain assessment needs to incorporate factors that
will moderate sensitivity to pain. Pain sensitivity
can be increased when patients are uncomfortable,
not sleeping well, or fatigued, anxious, fearful,
angry, sad, depressed or bored (Dougherty
and Lister 2011). Pain sensitivity is reduced
when symptoms are relieved, patients are well
rested, anxiety is reduced and mood is elevated
(Dougherty and Lister 2011). If patients are
shown empathy and understanding, and offered
companionship and diversional activities,
pain sensitivity can be further reduced. TheShort-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire and
Brief Pain Inventory (Fink and Gates 2006) are
simple tools that can be used for routine clinical
assessment in patients with cancer.
Multi-dimensional pain tools enable assessmentof other core features of pain, such as affective,cognitive, social and spiritual dimensions (Table 1).Pain assessment needs to incorporate factors thatwill moderate sensitivity to pain. Pain sensitivitycan be increased when patients are uncomfortable,not sleeping well, or fatigued, anxious, fearful,angry, sad, depressed or bored (Doughertyand Lister 2011). Pain sensitivity is reducedwhen symptoms are relieved, patients are wellrested, anxiety is reduced and mood is elevated(Dougherty and Lister 2011). If patients areshown empathy and understanding, and offeredcompanionship and diversional activities,pain sensitivity can be further reduced. TheShort-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire andBrief Pain Inventory (Fink and Gates 2006) aresimple tools that can be used for routine clinicalassessment in patients with cancer.
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