4.2 Foreigners who are eligible to apply for visa extension and work permits at the One Stop Service Centre are:
(1) Foreigner who is an executive or expert with privileges accorded to them by the following laws:
- Investment Promotion Act B.E. 2520 (1977)
- Petroleum Act B.E. 2514 (1971)
- Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand Act B.E. 2522 (1979)
(2) Foreigner who is an investor.
- If investing not less than 2 million Baht, he or she will be granted a 1 year permit.
- If investing not less than 10 million Baht, he or she will be granted a 2 year permit.
(3) Foreigner who is an executive or expert.
- Foreigner’s associated company should be registered with
capital or possess asset of not less than 30 million Baht.
(4) Foreigner who is member of the foreign press must present a letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and a copy of an ID Press Card issued by the Department of Public Relations.
(5) Foreigner who is a researcher or developer on science and technology.
(6) Foreigner who is employed in a branch office of an overseas bank, foreign banking office of an overseas bank, provincial foreign banking office of an overseas bank or a representative office of foreign bank in which all offices are certified by the Bank of Thailand.
(7) Foreigner who works on the necessary and urgent basis for a period of no longer than 15 days.
(8) Foreigner who is an official of the representative office for foreign juristic persons concerning the International Trading Business and Regional Office of Transnational Corporation in accordance to the Foreign Business Act B.E. 2542 (1999).
(9) Foreigner who is an expert on information technology.
(10) Foreigner who works at regional operating headquarters.