Before Eva Hine phoned Felix back (see page 45), she talked
to the president. Put their conversation in the right order
and write in the speakers' names Eva Hine speaks first
(number 5).
1________'In front of his wife? No. that doesn't look good
We need a better story than that. Think. Eva think.'
2________'In his home town - in the old teacher's house.'
3________'...but of course he doesn't stop...'
4________'Yes, Mr President. Right. I'm thinking. How about
this? We put the army in the streets, and wait. Dinon
must move on. So, later in the night, when everything
is quiet, he leaves the house.
5________'Mr President, I have some news about Dinon
6________'Yes, Eva, I like that story. I like it very much. Do it.
And phone me when he's dead.'
7________'Good. Where is he?'
8________'So, do we go in and shoot him?'
9________'...and so the soldiers shoot him.'
10_______'I like the beginning, Eva. what happens next?'
11_______'Yes, we think his wife's there too. What do you
want me to do now, Mr President?'
12_______'He is afraid. Perhaps he hears something. He begins
to run. The soldiers shout "Stop!",...'
13_______'I told you, Eva. I want this man dead.'
14_______'Is there anybody with him in the house?'