Passive infrared (PIR) sensors are very popular as they are
mass-produced at very low cost. Most commonly they have
been used for in-building and homes applications to detect
presence and movement in order to directly switch lights and
appliances. In contrast to other sensors such as ultrasound
rangers or infrared light distance sensors, PIRs have very low
power consumption. Compared to surveillance cameras, PIR
sensors need minimal maintenance [2]. This sensor is reacts to
receive stimulation in the form of infrared rays. Essentially
every objects emit infrared rays, PIR sensor catches every
infrared that emitted, then analyze and make it an input based
on frequency of analysis that accepted. Human essentially emit
infrared strongly, therefore when the graphical analysis is done,
human movement generates a strong frequency, different from
another creature like a pet, plant movement, inanimate object
movement, and so on.