This paper reports on research conducted on the impact of Buddhism on teaching, exploring the
educational philosophy and approach, the daily practice of teaching, and the challenge of
bringing together the mainstream education curriculum with Buddhist worldview in the first
school in Australia being guided by Buddhist philosophy. Although there has been a concerted
research agenda within the sociology of education internationally that has focussed on teachers
and the comparative impacts of globalisation, culture and religion on their work, there has been
little attention paid to the particular impact of Buddhism, even though this sphere of education is
growing globally.
This paper reports on research conducted on the impact of Buddhism on teaching, exploring theeducational philosophy and approach, the daily practice of teaching, and the challenge ofbringing together the mainstream education curriculum with Buddhist worldview in the firstschool in Australia being guided by Buddhist philosophy. Although there has been a concertedresearch agenda within the sociology of education internationally that has focussed on teachersand the comparative impacts of globalisation, culture and religion on their work, there has beenlittle attention paid to the particular impact of Buddhism, even though this sphere of education isgrowing globally.
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