Tan Passakornnatee started his first job at Sakura Company as stock’s labor. With diligence, he tries to learn everything from this company. Then he became a manager with young-aged. After that, he quitted his work and started his first business a bookstore at Chonburi. He remembered what style of books that his customers like, so that is the reason why his business goes forward, but until 1997 Asian financial crisis, he was bankrupted. At that time he sold everything in his life excepted his business because he thought that “things can’t make profits but business can”, that’s why he could clear his debt.
He always tried to improve his product, so that he could compete the other same product companies that well-known as Oishi green-tea. Oishi green-tea is not the first green-tea in Thailand but his strategy and his idea made the green-tea craze in Thailand. Lastly, he promoted new drinks under his new Mai Tan Brand and gives half of profits to his Tan Pan Foundation, which works to improve education, the environment and tourism, so I’m sure that a few business men do that.