As Seohyun approached the office, she saw that the door is opened and Joon is standing in the doorway. "Come on in." He said and she entered. He then closed the door and motioned her to sit down.
He walked over to a cabinet , took out a towel and walked back to her, just as she sat down on the chair in the middle of the room. Smiling gently, he leaned forward began to gently wipe the saliva and sweat still covering her swollen nipples and breasts.
It was only then did Seohyun realised, her breasts and nipples were still outside her bra! She totally forgot about her exposed state, and just walked into the gym and entered his office like that. "OMG, I did not remember that my breasts are still exposed! How could I forgot? Was I too aroused and distracted to even notice. Its so embarrassing! What if the gym was full of people? And Jongin Oppa's saliva is still covering my breasts too! I did not even feel that?"
Joon saw her shocked look and secretly smiled. "He he, now you will slowly be more and more comfortable with showing skin. I will make you forget to cover up when you are with me."
He continued to wipe her breasts and nipples, while Seohyun sat there, watching him. He could see that her nipples remained aroused, and he said as he continued wiping her down, "Come, tell me in detail what happened the last few days."
So she did.
She told him in detail about Mr Oh, her dress in university, the men all looking and admiring her in the campus, the events in the Taxi and her photo-shoot in her apartment. And her concerns about her vocals and how she is planning to get a car. By now, she is treating him as a close friend who can be trusted, so she told him everything.
He finished wiping her down and sat behind his desk before he asked again, "And how did you feel in the taxi and while you took the photos at home? And while you were showing off to Mr Oh?"
Seohyun hesitated when she heard the question. She was feeling ashamed that she actually felt good and excited when she felt men's lustful eyes on her. She remembered the feeling of thrill when she deliberately exposed her underwear to the taxi driver. She remembered how excited she felt when Mr Oh was ogling at her breasts. And she could feel her heartbeat rising as she recalled the feeling of camera flashes going off when she took the photos of herself in that sexy outfit. The imaginary eyes on her body. Her imaginary fan-boys masturbating to her. Making her wet and aroused.
“If I tell Joon Oppa.... he might think I am a slut.. .. but.... but........... I cannot lie to Oppa....”
"Seohyun?" Joon prodded when she did not answer after a few moments. He could actually see her still exposed nipples get erect very slowly.
"I .. Oppa... I .." She took a deep breath and continued.
"I ….... I felt ...........good. It felt exciting. And I got....... aroused." She lowered her head in shame, expecting a scolding from him.
“Your nipples got aroused, and you got wet?”
“Ermm.. yes Oppa...and there was a strange.......... feeling inside me too. Umm.. ...Please don't be ashamed of me, Oppa!” She closed her eyes now, fearing his unhappiness.
Now this was what Joon was waiting for. “Finally, her clit is being aroused too!”
“Strange feeling? Inside? You mean your lower lips?” He deliberately asked.
“Ummm... yes Oppa. It felt different, like a........ throbbing feeling inside.”
“Ahh.. I know what it is. Seohyun, your biology should be pretty good, so you know the organ that is responsible for female arousal, right?”
“Ummm......... Yes Oppa, it's the ...clitoris.” Her eyes opened and she looked at him with curiosity now.
“That's right. After your body slowly learns more about sex, your clitoris is now also awakened. It's beginning to feel aroused as well.”
“My … cli... clitoris? So I ...” She fell silent.
Hearing a chuckle from him, she frowned in confusion. " Oppa... I can I get aroused like that? It's embarrassing! I feel like ..... a bad person. Am I a …......s... slut?"
"No, you are not. Its not a bad thing. Like I said before, it's normal to feel aroused becos of the eyes of others. You have a hot body. Its natural to feel proud and happy when its appreciated. Don't feel embarrassed. And don't think you are a slut or a loose woman. Okay? You must not think bad of yourself. Many women feel the same feelings just like you. All you need is to learn to control."
"I understand Oppa. I shall try. But what if I get aroused during my performances or concerts? Or when there are cameras?" She was worried now.
"I had guessed that you might have this problem when I heard what you did to the security guy and on the taxi. So I am prepared. That's why today's training is split into 3 parts."
"3 parts?"
"Yes. The first part is the most important. Your fitness and health. We will do more to strengthen your body and also to help you stretch. Your 'adrenalin' dance requires splits, remember? I will tell you the other 2 parts later, but rest assured that I will help you with your problems even more, okay? Trust me and do your best today."
"Okay Oppa. I trust you. And I will surely try my best today." She stood up and gave him a bow. He immediately got a boner seeing her breasts jiggle as she stood up and bowed, the hanging nipples almost touching his desk.
"Good, here is your outfit for today. Go change into it." He handed her a paper bag.
"Thanks Oppa." Seohyun took it and turned to leave.
“Joon Oppa is not ashamed of me, I am not a bad, slutty girl. Thank goodness. And he is all prepared to help me overcome my problems. I am so glad.” She felt very relieved.
Then she left the office.
And she still forgot that her breasts were still hanging outside her bra and singlet.
Joon smiled as he saw her walking away, totally comfortable with her naked breasts on display. “How far has she come since 2 weeks ago. He he.”
- - - - -
She left for the changing room, eager to start her training. Outside the office, she saw Jongin dragging out some mats and changing some of the machine's positions, which was rather unusual. But having no time to wonder, she quickly entered the ladies changing room and prepared to wear the new outfit. And it was a total surprise.