The result of unit root test for M2 is presented in Table 4.1 and 4.2 The
ADF tests reject the null hypothesis of a unit root when log level (I(0)) in both of
constant and trend and constant at 5% and 10% significant level. Test statistic values
are following -3.933 and -2.940 that smaller than MacKinnon critical value which are
-3.441 and -2.882 at 5% significant level and -3.145 and -2.578 at 10% significant
level. But fail to reject the null hypothesis at 1% significant level which MacKinnon
critical values are -4.024 and -3.476. Another series, None, is accepted the null
hypothesis at all significant levels. The test statistic value is -0.629 and MacKinnon
critical values are -1.615 at 10% significant level, -1.943 at 5% significant level and -
2.581 at 1% significant level.