A healthy cell has a characteristic shape, with a boundary that allows entry to some substances, yet blocks others. Not so the misshapen cancer cell, with is fluid surface and less discriminating boundaries. The cancer cell breaches the controls that hold the cells in place, squeezing into spaces where other cell do not, secreting biochemicals that blast pathways through healthy tissue. The cancer even creates its own personal blood supply. The renegade cell’s genetic controls differ from those of healthy cells and it transmits these differences when it divides .Cancer cells disregard the “rules” of normal cell division that enable the body to develop and maintain distinct organs. To defy that many biological traditions, the cancer cell uses up tremendous amounts of energy, causing further disruptions.
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Genetic counseling
Genetic counselors are physicians( usually obstetrician/gynecologists) who advise couples on the likelihood that they will conceive a child with a genetic defect. Couples who already have a child with a genetic disorder, whose relatives have a genetic disorder ,who belong to an ethnic group known to be at risk, or who have suffered spontaneous abortions should seek genetic counseling.
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