Hi. My friends and My teacher.I'm sai. My full name is Somthawin Kirin.I learned the industrial Education and technology Branch Applied computer science - multimedia.l have boyfriend.His name is Nop.He has dark brown hair and me too. He is taller than me about 30 centimeters.He has white skin but I have tan skin.We love each other since 14 March 2014.l don't have talent and I'm not good at talking but I loved to sing karaoke.I often go to karaoke everyweek in high school with my best friends.My best friend have 2 people.They are Fai and Aom. Fai is taller than me and Aom is shortest in group. We have ever been to Italian food, Jepanese food. and sure Thai food.We have ever been to sushi Aorathai at Wanglang. It's pretty good and their prices reasonable but services is very slow.As I said above, I'm not good at talking.So Please be kind to me and I will. be kind to you.Thank you.