Both interventions consisted of an individual 1-hr counseling session, followed by
three weekly telephone calls. After the intervention (T2), questionnaires were readministered,
and patients underwent another accelerometer assessment (same procedure as T1).
Approximately 10 weeks after T2, patients completed the final questionnaires, were
interviewed by phone (for 5 min) and were debriefed (T3). Patients were also offered a
summary of their accelerometer data, as no feedback was provided during the study.
Both interventions consisted of an individual 1-hr counseling session, followed bythree weekly telephone calls. After the intervention (T2), questionnaires were readministered,and patients underwent another accelerometer assessment (same procedure as T1).Approximately 10 weeks after T2, patients completed the final questionnaires, wereinterviewed by phone (for 5 min) and were debriefed (T3). Patients were also offered asummary of their accelerometer data, as no feedback was provided during the study.
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