Dear Mint,
Please refer detail as below to issue Change control for DIOSA One-Push product (Long term condition)
Material : CAN
Detail :
• Can be used Color Ultimate can for both of 1st agent and 2nd agent replaced of Fresh Light can and DIOSA can (please refer detail and quantity of use each type of can, which will be mentioned in production schedule)
• Do not mix up Color Ultimate can and DIOSA can in a set of single product due to difference spec of them.
• This changing will be effected to next production around August-14 as plan.
• Due to this product will be sold to Hong Kong, so artwork on can (Japanese text) is not required anymore.
• To identify shade of product, we can mark color at shoulder of can by pen same as Color Ultimate product or attach shade number label on the can (The customer does not fix solution)
• Product with different type of can are not allowed to mix up in shipper box, but can be mix up on a pallet.
Remark : Production record for these can using is required for further reference.
Any question, please let me know.
Please find some revised and more detail in red.