'Push-Me' or 'Pull-You'? An Opportunity for Early Childhood Leadership in the Implementation of Queensland's Early Years Curriculum
Recent developments in the Queensland early childhood context have seen the phased-in introduction of a full-time Preparatory Year to replace current part-time preschool provision. Surrounding this development has been discussion of the potential role of the play-based Early Years Curriculum in shaping the implementation of early primary schooling. This article explores this change to early childhood provision in Queensland and the opportunity it provides for leadership from the field of early childhood education and care (ECEC). Will those from the ECEC field step forward to articulate the value of a play-based curriculum such that it influences the curriculum in the early years of school? Could we see a 'pull-you' of early childhood philosophy rather than a 'push-me' of more formal approaches? This article draws on two research projects to raise questions about the potential for leadership in the new world of Queensland's Preparatory Year. It suggests four key elements, which include knowledge of self, the field and the context, and the challenge that might be considered by those who would advocate early childhood philosophy in primary schools.